Review of Sea of Dust

Sea of Dust (2008)
Cure for Insomnia
5 September 2010
This movie is a homage to Hammer films, which means it was made by guys who watched a lot of Hammer films and just didn't get it.

What we see are a lot of period costumes and a typical period town where something monstrous is happening....

And if you stayed awake up to this point, you were doing better than I was...

Terrible acting, bad sound, seen better stuff on YouTube.

Ah, but I think I can fill out my requisite ten lines talking about Ingrid Pitt. Ingrid was a big Hammer star about the time Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing were, and she had no compunctions about taking off her clothes to sell the movie. In this movie, she's old, fat, clearly hasn't worked in a long time and the only nice thing I can say is she DIDN'T remove her clothing. Because once you've seen it, you can't unsee it.
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