Lame.... Please Shoot In Head & Take To Nearest Glue Factory....
19 August 2010
This Hour Has 22 Minutes used to be a very good show. Then as a show it had some ups and downs with the quality of the comedy and the performances. But now it is just solid lame jokes and lame performances wall to wall every single week.

I just saw an episode yesterday, could have been a rerun or a brand new episode (not sure because I stopped watching early this past season when the show just kept getting worse than it has ever been). Here is what happened in the show.... they did a lame joke about the way to remember a terrorist's name is to put it to a song with all four cast members singing a verse. The singing was pretty bad but the real sad thing is the joke was old right away and they put us through two minutes of singing, yes we get it sometimes terrorist's names are hard to remember or pronounce, and guess what else the joke's been done to death. The beating of the dead horse continued.

They did a Being Erica spoof where Erica was sent back too far and killed Hitler. This was the only thing that wasn't totally awful. It could have been very funny but somehow they still went nowhere with it. A Little Mosque on the Prairie Joke that any fifth grader could come up with ("next on Little Mosque they all get searched by airport security"). As usual they did a lot of headline jokes (news anchors reading jokes about the news) that were almost all lame and predictable. They did a premier of Newfoundland addressing the nation bit where he wore a seal skin suit that was so painful I actually groaned. They dressed up Gavin Crawford as that zitty teenager character (I guess not realizing he's like 45 years old now? wtf?) and had him interviewing people at a charity skiing event.... here's the thing when you land an interview with Alec Baldwin the day he wins a Golden Globe maybe you should actually get one or two funny moments out of it instead of just having him point out that you're obviously not a teenager. Similar wasted moments with Justin Trudeau, Mark Messier, Alan Thicke and more. The Alan Thicke stuff wasn't bad (pretended he was the father of a famous person and Gavin didn't know who he was) but the rest just sucked.

A take on the skiing tag removal commercial that honestly wasn't bad thanks to the performance of a 6 year old girl ("mommy's not a monster any more"). About the 9000th Nancy Grace bit they've done (wow she sure is ultra-conservative and takes things the wrong way!). This show was once a strong race horse but now all its legs are badly broken and mangled so please put a bullet in its brain and end our misery.
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