Review of Feast of Love

Feast of Love (2007)
Bloated Feast
13 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Muddled and syrupy beyond belief, "Feast of Love" defies logic and believability to the point where the fast-forward button gets gainfully employed. Part of the problem is Greg Kinnear, who ever since "As Good as it Gets" cant shake the gay image, but kidding aside really he plays yet another lost puppy dog cliché "good guy" with pal Morgan Freeman trying to give sagely advice while facing his own past mess. The movie is an overly-trodden soap including a massive gratuity of nudity and sex trying somehow to top off the bloat of an inane script and interactions. (spoiler)The kicker is a "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" situation where most if not all are somehow related and playing or watching football in a park together - kumbaya. And then a requisite jolting (death) to end on a bitter-sweet mood. Stay away.
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