Keep Your Eye Lined on the Phallic Cactus Plant
23 July 2010
Handsome "up-and-coming star Adrian Grenier (as) 'Sebastian Cole' is a restless seventeen-year-old living in a small town and falling behind in school. But his greatest challenge begins when step-dad 'Hank' announces he is going to become a woman. Suddenly everyone in both families is running for cover but eventually Sebastian returns home to live with Hank, who is now 'Henrietta'. The two of them form a unique family as Sebastian learns to cope with prejudice, his own overheated romantic life, and the non-stop curve balls that life just keeps throwing him," according to the DVD sleeve description, this is a "sexy, spirited and poignant coming-of-age adventure that won critical raves at the celebrated Sundance Film Festival."

The story is told in flashback, to the introduced-as-bloody Mr. Grenier's small (probably) upstate New York town, in 1983.

Obviously, "glam" hit Grenier harder than most small town school boys, because he starts wearing eye make-up before frosting his hair. Although he is "taught" to apply eyeliner in one scene, Grenier appears to have been wearing it before transsexual step-dad. Another distraction is that Clark Gregg (as Hank/Henrietta) seems to become more manly-looking as the film progresses, even after applying his eyeliner; also, he starts to play sports, and beat up bullies. Still, it's impossible to totally put this film down. The story is a good one, with writer/director Tod Williams impressive (great bicycle scene, Mr. Williams, and congratulations on becoming a writer). Good for "Blank Generation" rye-catchers in the proper frame of mind.

****** The Adventures of Sebastian Cole (9/11/98) Tod Williams ~ Adrian Grenier, Clark Gregg, Aleksa Palladino, Margaret Colin
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