Street Sharks (1994–1997)
Street Sharks 4 Life
12 April 2010
Hello people. Me and my buddy, Aaron have been avid Street Sharks fans since I can recall. It is the ultimate T.V. experience ever for kids and adults alike. When my kids get old enough, they're going to watch it, easy, hands down. It not only rocked my world, but taught me new slangs(CAN ANYONE SAY JAWESOME?), and taught me how to fight crime when crime fights me. All I can say is 'What would Ripster say?' to all the downers and nay-sayers of the Street Shark Nation? Street Sharks, they're fintastic! We bite, we fight. We're street sharks. The world as we know it today is crumbling and I want you to know Street Sharks will be back because Aaron and I will remake it. Expect the bite!

Stay sweet, sharkies.
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