Maria Ricossa stars in this episode
10 April 2010
This was the last episode of the 2nd season of this unexpected hit TV series. And, in this show, the guest star, Maria Ricossa, shows her great talent as the head witch of a powerful coven. During the beginning of a black mass at the very beginning of this episode she both chills and also enchants the viewer when she deliberately cuts the tip of her finger on a ceremonial witches dagger and then uses the blood to draw an upside down cross on her forehead. She performs the ceremony with such wicked mirth and an evil smile that it causes one to believe that if such head witches do exist; they perform much the same way as she acted. Her "daytime job" appearances in this episode are also quite convincing as well as beguiling. She "hit the mark" perfectly in this role and worries men like me who begin to think that there is more to your average housewife than meets the eye!!!! Maria Ricossa certainly shows her enormous talents in this episode as the coven leader.

The coven of "black witches" are the colorful group in this episode. There is a coven of "white witches" as the counter group in this episode; they are headed by a older gentlemen who is nowhere near as lively as Ricossa. Very dull and staid; they are about as active and fun filled as a senior citizens bingo game. Louise Robey (who portrays "Mickey Foster") tries to act as a white witch priestess in this episode and whoever thought of that idea should not have directed any future episodes of the series. She is eye candy but she is a RED HEAD. She is NOT a blond-which is the first criteria for any "white witch" role! She simply does not fit in as a white witch. She does not handle her role as a white witch with anywhere near the same aplomb or color as Ricossa handles the black witch/coven leader role. Ricossa was the actual star in this episode; one of the most colorful of the "bad girl" witches, and though you know the character is evil you actually start cheering for her! You can see why she became the star she is today! Great episode to watch and remember!
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