Space: 1999: The Exiles (1976)
Season 2, Episode 2
"Like a swarm of space bees..."
29 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Written by the prolific Donald James, this was intended originally for Year 1 but reshaped for Year 2, and was the second episode transmitted in the U.K.

Mysterious capsules are detected drifting through space. At first they seem to pose no threat, but then begin heading towards the Moon. Before Alan can shoot them down in his Eagle, one or two crash on the lunar surface. An attempt to open one results in the death of the occupant. Two others contain Cantar ( Peter Duncan ) and Zova ( Stacy Dorning ), political exiles from the planet Golos. They seem friendly enough at first, but secretly plan to return to their home world to finish the revolution they started...

Reminiscent of 'End Of Eternity', this is a good instalment, containing some exciting action material such as Maya changing into a panther in mid-leap. No tacky monsters either ( although Maya changes into a less-than convincing gorilla at one point. Oh well, you cannot have everything ). The opening of the capsule provides some suspense.

Peter Duncan later appeared in 'Flash Gordon' ( 1980 ) and was a 'Blue Peter' presenter for several years. Stacy Dorning was 'Jenny' in the I.T.V. children's show 'The Adventures Of Black Beauty' and one of Robert Gillespie's daughters in the sitcom 'Keep It In The Family'.

There's a nice nod towards 'Lost Horizon' at the end as Cantar reverts to his true age and dies.

Well directed by Ray Austin.
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