Review of Borderlands

Borderlands (2009 Video Game)
Your 3D review for Bordelands - the only 3D game reviewer on IMDb
7 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
3D works perfectly in Borderlands via a 120 Hz refresh rate monitor and standard NVidia nVision glasses. The graphics are somewhat Flinstonian (cartoon like) but this is what the developers wanted. In past reviews the length of time to finish a game was a major point but not this title - you can play for many hours depending on how many side quests you decide to finish Apart from the thousands of different weapons and armor you get to choose from you can visit areas over and over again to build up your skill score which in turn helps you beat the bad guys. Your maximum skill score is 50 and going back to a much earlier area of the game like Fyrestone (at the start) with a higher skill score makes you a deadly weapon, one hit with a puny pistol takes down every adversary. Weapons range in efficiency from White to Yellow (or Gold). Gold being the most rare but deadly. Take your pick at the start from four characters each with his (or her) own special attribute. Mordecai gives you the use of an attacking type bird of prey (Bloodwing) who attacks your hapless victims for you and as the game progresses you are able to upgrade Bloodwing,s power. Lilith (the Siren) has a fast invisible zoom and kill type power and... well you get the picture. Your special power can only be used once then will need a minute or two to reboot but as the game progresses you can upgrade various aspects of your special skill. Not a typical first person shooter. Borderlands sits snugly into the role playing genre akin to Fallout 3. Enjoyment factor 9/10 but more importantly this game sucks you in and before you know it, well... its time for bed. In other words hours upon hours of fun and investigation. Probably a bit better than Fallout 3. You get the feeling whilst playing that the developers have left nothing to chance. Glitches - Nil. Crashes - Nil. Voice acting 10/10 (including the mini mutants). On a personal note, I loved it and In the words of Australias Music Guru (Mollie Meldrum) "Do yourself a favor", and buy Borderlands, you will not, I repeat "Not" be disappointed. Please email me at if you would like a game reviewed for its 3D roadworthiness. Hold on I'm not finished! This has to be the strangest ending to a game that I have ever experienced. You have completed the final objective, congratulations! The Credits start to roll and you sit back and revel in a job well done. As with any other game you hit "escape' expecting to go back to the main menu but, what the? to be continued... I would have given this game 10/10 but is there any game title deserving of that score? The amount of work that went into making this game especially compared to so many others (especially early shooters) is just simply mind-boggling. They must have had hundreds of people working on it or maybe just 20 super intelligent creators! My score 9.5/10 rubber chickens
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