Crash (I) (2004)
Potpourri For Prejudice
15 February 2010
"Crash" was one big citadel for disseminated catastrophe! The film, "Crash" habitually purported the unnecessarily ruthless aspects to the questions of: "What about this?" "What about that?" Fatal consequences are incurred just because people find everything around them to be just a little too irksome to stomach! The premise being; "Make it easier on me, let me hate my neighbor!!" The penchant for belligerence is very widespread in this movie. The characters in "Crash" possess a callousness which is assertively second nature to them. Their attitudes manifest themselves by perpetually saying: "I'm always angry, why? No real reason!" The film's racial unrest was so ubiquitous that some seemingly normal individuals would ask this question with a very cavalier disposition: "Is he black, or is he white? Yeah! It definitely matters!!" The scenario is situated accordingly whereby all parties concerned perceive money to be everything, and a lack of money to be the only thing!! Such a collage of pejorative proclivities has manufactured a myriad of emotional hang ups with this film. So why did this flick win for best picture? My guess; Because of the film's originality. "Crash" was a movie which was comprised of these ingredients: A dash of violence, a pinch of sexually depraved behavior, a bevy of great actors and actresses, (Including Sandra Bullock and Matt Dillon) and finally, it was topped off with wonderful directing. Galvanize all of these attributes, and it is not surprising that "Crash" was selected to be recipient of the proverbial and extremely coveted Academy Award Oscar for best film, above all other flicks that were competing for this honor in '2005! I personally liked "Good Night and Good Luck" better! This film was a runner up academy award nominee which was produced during the same year as "Crash" was! While "Good Night and Good Luck" was an intensely intellectual film, "Crash" however, was a much more elaborate production. The movie, "Crash", became the precarious purveyor of non justifiably violent responses which served as a subterfuge for camouflaging grotesque human indulgences. Mannerisms of this nature correlated to the wry vindication of everybody's personal misunderstandings! "Crash" can best be categorized as a sagacity for sinners. This film was a creative doggerel that became a reflection of the dark and psychologically unnerving criminal antics which concurrently prevailed! This plethora of felonious atrocities victimized everyone in the film in one way or another! These nefarious escapades eventually snowballed into an onslaught of cumbersome afflictions that wound up burdening the value system by which many typical Americans live! The film "Crash" is a demented depiction of how the truth is offensive because the truth is also stubborn, hence, it is simply the truth! Basically being a cunningly creative homogenization for hatred, it stands to reason that "Crash" should have won the academy award!! Indeed, "Crash" deservedly won for best picture! Okay!! So, what's the bottom line here? We have acquired a painstaking realization of just how deplorable our fixations on discriminating judgment really are!! Are we going to do anything about it? NO!!
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