Going Spanish (1934)
A Legend Debuts
29 January 2010
Bob Hope's inauspicious film debut came in this short subject Going Spanish which was shot at the Astoria Studios in Queens, New York. Presumably while Bob was appearing in Roberta on Broadway and scoring his first big success. I can guess that filming did not take place on Wednesdays because of matinées.

Despite this film Bob Hope as we know went on to have a very long life and a most successful career. He appears here with Vicki Cummings and they're honeymooning in some mythical South American country and run afoul of the local law.

The mayor of the town Jeles Epailly reminds me a whole lot of Billy Gilbert. Leah Ray a noted band vocalist of the day also appears here.

This was obviously a project to earn a little extra spending money for Hope. He goes through this like he had to hurry back and not miss the evening performance of Roberta. If it wasn't that a show business legend made his screen debut here, no one would bother with this film.
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