Florida Gore: Wynkoop's Revenge
28 August 2009
Once again, Florida's most talented independent film maker, Tim Ritter, hands us absolute proof that films shot on video really aren't that terrible after all. At least Mr. Ritter's aren't. Twisted Illusions films are usually gory, unintentionally funny, old fashion drive-in-style exploitation, but what really separates Ritter's trash from most of the modern trash out there, is that this trash is actually about something real. Truth Or Dare? 3: Screaming For Sanity is deep trash, with something to say. Welcome back to Florida.

Serial killer, Mike Strauber has been locked away for more than a decade. Like a lot of these guys, Mike has developed a cult following that could rival that of a Ted Bundy, or a Henry Lee Lucas. Now, there is a new copper-masked killer determined to destroy anyone capitalizing financially off Strauber's name, in a very gory manner. Meanwhile, the formerly respected, Dr. Dan Hess (played by the legendary Joel D. Wynkoop) has let guilt and hallucinations take over his life, since the events from Wicked Games, and suicide is starting to sound like a swell idea right about now. After some soul-searching, it becomes clear what Dr. Hess must do to truly be at peace with himself, catch the copy-cat killer and put an end to this Truth Or Dare? madness once and for all.

As usual, the highlight of the night is Wynkoop, and his entertaining acting, but Ritter puts on a believable, dare I say, suspenseful Horror movie, despite budget limitations and actors with limited to hilarious "skills". In a decade which gave us very little in the way of quality B-entertainment, Ritter gives us more, Ritter gives us a point, as well as gore. Behind all the blood, Z-grade budget, and acting issues, Screaming For Sanity is a serious look at the legal system, medical bureaucracy, and most of all, our pop-cultures need to capitalize off sensation. As much as I recommend Screaming For Sanity, Ritter's next epic, Dirty Cop No Donut is the masterpiece, and certainly Wynkoop's finest work as well. I've heard Tim Ritter might not be directing again. As a huge fan of Twisted Illusions, I hope it ain't so. Ritter made a huge impact in the B-horror universe, and must still have something to offer. Truth Or Dare? 4 would be nice, but I vote for a Killing Spree 2. Anyone seen Asbestos Felt around lately? 5/10
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