Promises mutant splatter-fun, and it delivers.
12 August 2009
The main reason to watch TOKYO GORE POLICE is because it's crazy and gory. Great splatter effects and original mutant make-up design. The (attractive) leading actress is Eihi Shiina, the "bad" girl from Takashi Miike's THE AUDITION. Along the way, the thin story also provides some sort of surprise twist, which you may or may not see coming. But honestly, aside from all this I just mentioned, I can't really recommend TOKYO GORE POLICE for any other things. The plot is just an excuse to let the outrageous special effects and sexy Eihi shine in this rather nonsensical, hectic splatter-vehicle. But don't let this stop you from renting it, especially if you're a fan of this Japanese cyber-punk flavored sub-genre. TOKYO GORE POLICE might make a fine double bill with MACHINE GIRL (TGP director Yoshihiro Nishimura did the special effects on the latter).
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