Review of I Do

I Do (1921)
Harold Lloyd and Mildred Davis deal with domestic issues in I Do
3 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this Harold Lloyd comedy short on Kino Video's DVD of "The Harold Lloyd Collection". There's an animated sequence of Harold and Mildred's wedding that was pretty amusing before it becomes one year later and we see them carrying a carriage with people watching admirably. If you're familiar with the year of this film, you've probably figured out the punchline. Anyway, they later are made to take care of a young toddler boy and his infant brother. On top of that, there's a possible prowler on their street. I'll stop there and say once again there are laughs galore here with what I just mentioned and it's nice to know not all heavyset African-American maids depicted in movies during this time, like Marie Mills as Magnolia here, are all complete scaredy cats! Oh, and I must mention how I cringed when I saw Lloyd trying to fill a baby bottle with buttermilk which I remember hating as a kid so much I never tried it again and I wondered why my school would even carry it! Despite many contrivances-how can a kid get away with getting fireworks when he's underage-I did enjoy I Do enough that I'm definitely recommending it.
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