Introducing a real devilish character
21 July 2009
As a child I always liked the Tasmanian Devil but now he seems less interesting as all he does is eat his way through everything in sight. It was nice to see his introductory cartoon though. It opens with Bugs Bunny being disturbed by a stampede of animals running past his hole, he tries to ask them what is happening but they are all going to fast, he eventually stops a tortoise and is told that a Tasmanian Devil is on the way. Having no idea what a Tasmanian devil is Bugs consults his books and reads off a list of animals that the it eats, when he is finished a gruff voice adds "and rabbits". Bugs points out that he doesn't have much meat on him but offers to help catch him something tasty. This being Bugs though all that happens is the poor Tasmanian Devil gets tricked into eating a chicken made of bubble-gum and then getting flattened by a giant catapult when Bugs saws through it, at least Bug's final trick brings the Tasmanian devil happiness... of sorts.
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