Sonny with a Chance (2009–2011)
amazing show
22 June 2009
i think that this show is one of the best I've seen on Disney in a long time. tiffany or tawni is an amazing character; i love how her and sonny pretend to be enemies but in reality they have become the best of friends, its also thrilling and suspenseful to see what they say next shes a very complicated character but its fun to try and catch up to her. demi is very radiant and exciting in this show, some people say that she could do much much better but i say that she makes her character become herself and not a lot of actors and actresses her age can do that; its a pretty awesome gift to have if you ask me. nicos kind of the kid who gets all the girls in his dreams haha but in reality he tries to get as many as he can but many times does not succeed. gradys kind of refreshing he lightens up the scenes with his personality hes one of those chubby kids that always seems to put a smile on your face. sterling knight aka chad Dylan cooper is my personal favorite and i bet a lot of young teens could relate to him. he's a pretty sensitive guy but since he doesn't want anyone to know the soft side of him he acts like a jerk. he tries to deny that he has feelings for sonny but everyone who watches the show can tell he does. its amazing and a ton of fun to watch this show and watch these young people grow. the only thing that this show could use more of is new episodes maybe a new character or co-star and they need to get chad and sonny together all ready. who ever says this show needs more than it already has obviously has no idea what a good show is about. this is the perfect series for any age. the stiffness of the acting just adds to the excitement. everyone from sonny with a chance, keep on rocking that stage don't let any review tear your show apart; i for one have faith in you they're just bitter :)
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