Stunning effects. Brilliant movie. And a reminder of what could happen to our planet.
3 June 2009
Like i said stunning effects, mind blowing in that case. And surely the terrifying truth of what is to come. Going to see this movie i was not expecting much. I watched it the first time a couple of years back but didn't enjoy it that much. But previously i gave it another chance and realised what i have missed with my very own eyes. My first impression of the movie was just simply quite boring, i thought it would be more of a documentary type than a movie with a well written script and cool effects. I was far wrong, it's more both of them combined, an amazing movie definitely. But still get's many facts in about what could happen if what we do carries on.

The day after tomorrow will stun everyone in there minds and eyes. Again the visuals of the special effects were tremendous, everything to the water and some what ice age! Looked real and live. The movie how ever was not really focused on the plot "A climatologist tries to figure out a way to save the world from abrupt global warming. He must get to his young son in New York, which is being taken over by a new ice age" Yes an ice age does occur at one point, but climate change and "Global warming" is expressed in all it's forms and shows the viewers the threat of mother nature. Expect to see the most threatening weather condition and un imaginable truth of what the earth can offer. The acting was flawless Jake Gyllenhaal (Sam Hall) was brilliant and made everything look that much more real, the rest of the cast were good too. The script was witty and clever, very decent. Roland Emmerich (director) knew exactly what he was doing and certainly hit's the mark, most of the scenes really work and are well put together. He also write the script, very impressive from a slightly little league movie director. Well done to him.

Overall the movie is just plain fun and cool to watch, some cool effects along with entertaining drama and impressive idea of mixing a real global threat with a movie, i think the aim of the movie is too reach out to people and have them realise what could possibly happen to either this or more likely the next generation. A true underrated film, a fun and a edge of your seat exciting adventure film.
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