Some of the most hilariously bad acting to ever grace the big screen is featured here.
31 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is currently remembered for one scene...the infamous scene where one of the worst actors of all time spouts out the line "GARBAGE DAY!" and proceeds to shoot a man and let out horrible fake laughs. Though that scene is hilarious and all, this movie needs to be remembered for more. Eric Freeman, the film's lead actor, has created a monster, and his acting is so bad, perhaps it deserves to go down as worst ever. I've seen many films considered the worst, but never was the acting this unconvincing and bad. It must be seen to be believed.

Ricky Caldwell (Eric Freeman) is in an insane asylum, but is let in to see a psychiatrist, Dr. Henry Bloom (James Newman). Ricky tells the Doc everything of his past, even events he wasn't present during and clearly would have no real way of knowing what happened. We learn about Ricky's brother, who the first film is about, then after half the movie flashing back to the first film, we get to know Ricky and how he became so psychotic. But after Ricky escapes from the room he's telling the story in, there's gonna' be trouble for whoever gets in his path.

This movie is so full of plot holes it's ridiculous. Ricky flashes back to the first film in vivid details, and literally over 20 minutes of the film are just long scenes from the first movie. How he knows what happened to his brother makes no sense. In one scene he flashes back to when he was a newborn baby, because, of course, vivid memories are easy to keep for a baby. Even when his flashbacks are of new footage, they're still boring, and extremely poorly acted. Eric Freeman acts like he's a robot or something. His words come out in strange patterns, like he's trying to read the words for the first time off a teleprompter as he performs. It's really that bad.

Ricky flashes back to the girl he loved. The writers didn't even try to give them any sort of connection. The first scene she's introduced, seconds later they're making love. They only speak in two scenes, and in neither scene does he show any sort of affection towards her.

The climax of the film is also the last ten minutes, and the only part of the film that doesn't take place in the asylum or in flashback. And speaking of asylum, how did Ricky escape? He just walked out. That makes no sense. But anyways, back to the plot. When Ricky escapes he goes for the Mother Superior, who is supposed to be the same as in the first film, but now she looks completely different and resembles Two-Face from Batman. Ricky chases the Mother around her apartment, which happens to be 666 (These writers are geniuses). The Mother Superior is in a wheelchair! And then Ricky shouts "Moooooo!". Possibly this line was meant to be Boooo, but he clearly says "Moooooo!" It's so ridiculously stupid!

The script to this is so bad. Limiting your knowledge of the film to "Garbage Day!" is a shame, because this film really has some gem lines and really bad readings. Thanks for the worst part of this film goes to the lead, Eric Freeman and his overly expressive and always moving eyebrows which each deserve their own film. This movie's godawful, but full of what seems to be unintentional humor in the acting. It's hard to believe director Lee Harry wasn't laughing out loud while directing this thing, it's that bad.

My rating: BOMB out of ****. 88 mins. R for violence, language and sex.
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