Review of Bad Boys

Bad Boys (1995)
A fun action comedy. But a little over done.
30 May 2009
Bad boys not doubt was full with loads of laughter and packed with action. The action never really stood out in a way, but it was some very decent shooting scenes. Definitely some scenes were well overdone. But more positives reflect from this movie then negative. It does more then enough to keep you very entertained and connected with what's going on and certainly keeps you laughing! What makes this movie so favoured is for two main reasons.

1) The casting was superb and a sure excellent choice. Not one actor/actress was disappointing never the less the script was too superior to the acting, it was not brilliant but very decent and very funny. The now familiar but up coming star in those times, the legendary Will Smith. (mike Lawry) Was as you would expect powerful, funny and himself! Flawless job. Along side him another star. Martin Lawrence (Marcus Burnett) as you would expect too he was very funny and also a delight to watch. A great partnership to watch, them too together were truly historical they offer many many laughs.

2) Is just simple. You just don't see many flicks like Bad Boys today. It's funny and action packed. It doesn't really get better then a action/comedy like this. The plot too was a tad original and it lead to a fun adventure.

I wouldn't really say negative because this movie was superb. But one thing is for sure, some scenes were a little overdone. Perhaps it was the camera shots or the background music or even the look on the actors faces. The phenomenal director Michael Bay did a magnificent job. After making many minors he stepped up to make his first real movie, with a bigger budget and bigger cast for the big screen. He impressed the world and that is truly reflected on the movie. However some scenes were made too tense, the music in the background or the heat in the actors playing there roles needed to be cut down a little, the tension was to high but the situation is not that big. So yes. Michael Bay or even the movie editors could have cut down some unnecessary "hype" But nothing real major.

All in all. a great flick and excellently executed by Michael Bay. Although a little over done Bad Boys will leave you laughing thanks too the good humour from Smith and Lawrence. Also leave you satisfied with its decent action. A sensational blockbuster to always be remembered.
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