BachelorMan (2003)
Ridiculous, not funny, stupid, chauvinistic and just plain boring
18 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those random movies that you have never heard of but you decide to give it a whirl and you regret every freaking minute of it. What truly blows my mind is the first review that raved about how amazing this film was and scored it a perfect ten. My reviewing process is a little more intensive than that and this one goes into my worst films category hands down. The entire plot it stupid, the acting borders on disgustingly horrible, and the jokes are drop dead boring. Its just the kind of comedy that when a joke or gag happens instead of laughter it exudes a groan of disgust. The film might have worked a little better if you could actually believe the lead character as a womanizer but the guy is a doofus right from the moment the movie starts. I think the film makers were trying to incorporate some style to the film but it falls face first but as with any comedy there were likely some moments that I chuckled at despite myself but I promise I felt guilty about it.

David DeLuise has been in comedic acting, mostly Television for a very long time. This entry into being a lead actor in a film for adults doesn't do anything for his career. Yes he is cocky and has some personality for his character but he just looks like an absolute joke and you can't buy his womanizing status. He should stick to light fluffy kid's comedy. Missi Pyle has also been around a long time and I've always though of her as kind of obnoxious and homely and yet here she is trying to be a sexy, girl of the womanizers dreams and it just isn't believable. Whoever cast these two made a terrible mistake given the tone of the film and what they were trying to accomplish. Honestly there is no reason to discuss the rest of the cast because whether or not they could potentially give good performances matters little to nothing because of how terrible the entire film truly is and the casting of the lead characters is ridiculous. Pyle and DeLuise have virtually no chemistry and just look silly together.

Director John Putch is kind of in the same vote as both Pyle and DeLuise, he has been around a long time both as a director (27 years) and as an actor since early Disney films in 1973. But in going through some of his directorial films I see a pattern. The disgustingly horrible TV remake of The Poseidon Adventure, a host of sub par TV series (and yes I'm including Scrubs in that since I've always found that show to be horribly awful.) I'm beginning to think that Putch is a lost cause and has a radar for terrible comedy. Now he's decided to sink his teeth into the recent long line of straight to video American Pie films...that should be awesome!! (sarcasm intended) While I do slap Bachelorman with a solid 3 and nothing lower I think it's just because I did manage to sit through it and it wasn't completely painful but I do it all for you...the viewer...stay clear of this stinker, there is nothing redeemable about it. 3/10
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