Dead Noon (2007 Video)
Worst movie I've ever seen. Not even exaggerating
18 April 2009
I've never seen a movie this bad before. I rented this hoping to see a decent B horror movie. What I got was not a horror movie, nor a B movie. This movie isn't even a C or a D movie. I've seen better movies made by juniors at Senior High.

Let's start out with the script. The foundation of any movie. It was bad. Really bad. The first 45 minutes of the movie is as follows: Introduce a character, kill that same character, introduce a character, kill that same character, repeat. If that's not bad enough, the deaths aren't even original. It's just the antagonists shooting people. It's mind numbingly boring. The end was also a sad excuse at making a twist.

Let's move on to the acting. The acting is bad throughout. It is quite obvious that no actor in this movie has had no prior acting experience. If you took a group of mentally handicapped children, you would have gotten better acting.

Special effects. Were they not aloud to actually use fire? Did they need to do that in post? Worst special effects ever. They even accidentally green screened things out that were supposed to be in the shot.

Even if this movie is free for you to watch, don't. Don't waste your time. Even if your best friend is on the production team, don't watch it. As a matter of fact, slap him/her right in the mouth.
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