This was a bad movie
31 March 2009
Okay, I won't say this was a bad movie. I will say it was underdeveloped and not very entertaining. As part of the "80's fantasy" genre, this movie had a lot to live up to. It should have at least been mildly entertaining, but very little, if any, of this movie was entertaining or memorable.

The Sword and the Sorcerer is a cult classic about a warrior prince named Talon, who sets out to bring down the evil king, Titus Cromwell, who killed his parents and stole his kingdom. And...And...from this point on, the movie has no plot, simply winging it's way through the story. As I'm sure has been mentioned before, this movie seems to shift from an adventure movie, to a scary movie, to a fantasy movie. There were also a lot of gaping plot holes, most notably, when a group of warriors plot to break in to Cromwell's dungeon. Wow, that sounds exciting. And then, the very next scene shows all of them talking about how the plan was a failure. Seriously, we never even get to see the actual fight. Wasted opportunity! It's good as a Laurel and Hardy moment, this isn't a Laurel and Hardy movie, is it?

The acting was mediocre to just plain bad! The characters were two-dimensional at best. There was no backstory for any of them, and none of them really had anything interesting to do or say. There were some characters with some potential, but they were overlooked. However, my favorite character in the movie was Cromwell's harem, Elizabeth. Not only was she cute, but she was the one character who had any sort of personality. She was sweet, she was caring, and she was brave. Unfortunately, she was killed off halfway through the movie. What a waste! You don't feel for any of these characters, because you just don't care. The funny thing is, you actually want to, but this movie gives you nothing to like about them.

As the title suggests, there is a sword and a sorcerer in the movie. But neither are on screen for very long. The Triple Sword was an unrealistic, but still very cool, weapon. It's a sword with literally three blades, and the two outer blades shoot out like missiles (like I said not very realistic, but still very cool). It only appears at the beginning and end of the movie. The sorcerer, Xusia (played by Bull from Night Court), also appears in the beginning and end of the movie, although he appears in disguise for most of the movie. Xusia's main power seems to be ripping out people's hearts by waving his hand at them. He helps Cromwell take over, and then Cromwell tries to kill him. Xusia plots his revenge for most of the movie. For a fantasy movie, I would've also liked to have seen more monsters, more magic, more...fantasy elements.

The only really entertaining part of this movie is a showdown between Talon, Cromwell and Xusia. Talon uses the Triple Sword, Cromwell gets a good weapon and Xusia tries to pull out their hearts by waving at them (Talon stops him by shooting him with the sword). It's an entertaining fight, but really doesn't redeem the movie.

A weak plot, no good special effects and a lot of underdeveloped characters, I think this movie was still in post-production when it was released. Oh well, if you happen to see this in your local video store, just leave it alone.
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