The Catherine Tate Show (2004–2009)
Despite the bad feedback....
11 March 2009
Catherine Tate is a comedy genius!

You may think that a girl, at the ripe old age of 15, may have no taste in comedy or movies ... or well... anything. But Catherine Tate has a sparkle in her that is different to all the other comediennes out there. I mean: COME ON! SHE HAS RED HAIR! :D

Sure, her dialogue is repetitive and sometimes predictable, but remember: this is just comedy. I could say the same about: Black Books (which is the greatest show on earth) I mean what, man owns a bookshop, gets drunk - whats more to the story?

You must remember that everyone has different tastes, just because it doesn't suit your taste doesn't mean you need to "shoot miss Tate" (as one charming IMDb user so kindly put it), she's a human being and she's doing what she loves, making people laugh. And most of this is Catherine's own humour. so DUDE. SRSLY. I'm 15 years old and I'm talking like a friggin' adult here all mature and stuff!

But seriously, I'm not saying "WATCH IT! OMG YOU'LL LUV IT SUUU MUCH YOU'LL CUM!!!" because most likely, you wont. I'm saying "Try it out - you might like it. You might not."

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