Cliffhanger (1993)
Fun High Altitude Action Movie
12 January 2009
Overall, I thought this was a pretty passable action/adventure movie that featured a bit of an outlandish story about a group of international criminals who steal millions of dollars from a US Treasury plane and then have to depend on a couple of mountain rescuers to help them find it after a crash. The movie featured pretty good performances from the very versatile John Lithgow as the mastermind criminal Eric Qualen, as well as from the generally one-dimensional (read Rocky Balboa) Sylvester Stallone as climber Gabe Walker, who overcomes a tragedy at the start of the movie to become the great hero by the end. There was some pretty exciting action that was scattered throughout the movie, thus keeping the viewer interested, a lot of bad guys to root against, and a good supporting performance from Michael Rooker as Walker's rescuer sidekick Hal Tucker. In addition to the outlandish plot, there were a few things that just didn't work for me. Why it was decided that this movie needed to include a couple of pretty typical "stoner-type" characters is a bit beyond me. The two kids added nothing to the movie and really served only to irritate me. Then there was the absolutely unnecessary (and at least mercifully brief) bat-scene in the crack through which Walker and Jessie (Janine Turner) were crawling. That also accomplished nothing except allowing any bat-squeamish viewers to go "eeewww" when Walker sticks his hand in guano and the bats start to fly at them. Finally, does anyone actually believe that John Lithgow could hold his own in a fistfight with Sylvester Stallone the way the respective characters did at the end of this movie? Not likely, in my opinion. For all that, for a movie with a story that was at best very limited, this movie was fun most of the way through, which gains it a 7/10.
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