Saw V (2008)
For hardcore Saw fans only
31 October 2008
In my review for the previous Saw movie, I said I have a feeling the series is regressing. And I'm afraid I may be right. I came into Saw 5 with mixed expectations. Part of me was saying "This could be the Saw movie that recollects the magic of the first!", another was saying "This one will be the black sheep of the Saw family" and then the other part said "This one won't be horrible, but it wont be great." Well, the neutral part of me was right.

Well, does this offer anything new at all? Not really. What was once a fresh thriller has now become a by-the-numbers slasher flick unfortunately. And let me say I do love slasher films, but how many would be disappointed if another memorable thriller such as Silence of the Lambs was to go to the slasher route? You just don't do that. Almost everybody on this movie had "victim" written right on their foreheads, thus killing any suspense at all. The twist and turns that make the movies great were pretty bland, making Saw 4's twists look like the first movie's. The tagline for this movie is "You won't believe how it ends." Well, yes I'm quite speechless about the ending, but not in the "NO WAY" type of speechless of the first Saw.

Still, it's not a horrible movie. There was quite a bit of stuff that made me go "Hmmmmm" which kept me intrigued enough to look past the predictableness. And what would a Saw movie be without the grueling traps? If the gore in this movie doesn't make you go "Ooooo" or "Ouch" or wince a bit, then I don't know what to say about you. Not the best Saw traps ever, but good enough.

So hopefully Saw 6 will be the last movie. I love this series so much and will even add the lesser sequels to my collection, but I said after the second movie that there was only so much they could do, and they may be running out of that kinda stuff.
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