The Promotion (2008)
gross Hollywood propaganda promoting (ANTI)social norms
30 August 2008
this is one of those movies that disguises itself into a "liberal" form only to promote the opposite. a quiet general trend i notice more and more in Hollywood productions as of late(trying to identify with public beliefs only to prove them wrong, using the very same people that it claims it "defends";hard-core conservatism disguised as a "dove"). after watching this i feel completely deceived! to be more to the point, this is pro-corporate feature plain and simple, and the worst aspect here is that until the very end one is being kept guessing and hopping for some type of resolution that never comes... it is clear to me that Seann William Scott has been chosen to play his part here because his appeal towards the "American pie" franchise; those teenagers that are a bit older right now and find themselves in a corporate environment that "takes no prisoners". this movie simply wants to promote competition, as a fact of life, at ANY costs. i kid you not, there is NOTHING to be learned here at all, i can not believe i have wasted my time to watch such nonsense.

this is about the struggle and stress any American worker encounters at his/her work place; the competition that is promoted within any corporation for achieving "maximum best". what i find disturbing is that the viewer is encouraged to sympathize for both parties, only to be given proof that "beeing a man" is the absolute product of competition itself, that individualism is the way to go...

i found the jokes quiet lame overall, attempting to be pretentious at times. there are only 2 scenes/situations i found actually comic.the "sensible" parts have no witty to them( movies slows down just to make sure that the viewer "gets it"). besides that, there are quiet a FEW scenes with covert racism(, which makes me believe this whole plot has been developed in some L.A. mansion by a person(s) absolutely broken from the reality of how destructive such behavior(that is promoted here with subliminal messages) can be to any REGULAR citizen( you know the one that works for a living...). all black people are complete stereotypes(the worst ones), all Latin people always work the low end jobs(!?), Canadians are "wiered", and the list can go on...

for anyone thinking this is anything like "office space", i warn you; stay away. i can not believe i wasted 1.30hours watching a governmental social propaganda that promotes that EXTREME capitalism that is bankrupting the United States of America, at this very moment.
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