Read the book, skip the movie
15 August 2008
Read the book and don't waste your time trying to watch this movie. I am only sorry that I can't give this 0 stars out of 10, but after thinking about it, I realize that there are a few other movies that could be considered worse than this. I consider "Confederacy of Dunces" and "The Neon Bible" worthy of their place on my bookshelf, but this movie belongs in a landfill. I agree with previous comments that the movie suffers from disjointedness. Yes, it is a memory story in the Southern Gothic style, but the book does a much better job of conveying the impact of the varied events of his childhood upon David as he reflects upon them during his train ride. I can only imagine how maddening the movie must be for those who never read the book beforehand - in short, if the movie left you feeling dissatisfied, it is still worth your while to read the book.
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