Charmed: Engaged and Confused (2006)
Season 8, Episode 16
Lifting the veil...
2 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably the episode where the real stakes, and the whole final arc, begin to appear. And fortunately, this marks a definite rise in quality and overall coherence for the rest of the season. The episode begins with the sisters' personal problems : Piper's familiar obsession with organising Paige's engagement ceremony, Paige's cold feet and Phoebe's recent loss of faith in love... and the Elder's answer to that, which just makes you like them again.

Now, about the newcomer, Coop. His first appearance is casual enough not to draw too much attention. His second is odd enough to definitely get attention. And to those who know the show (and Phoebe), his third appearance shouts "Here's the one!". Ever since Cole, Phoebe has only been dating very ordinary guys, and it is clear she deserves an extraordinary man. Well, that's Coop, and within a few minutes the show makes it very clear. He's got Cole's cocky attitude and dark good looks, he's magical (but GOOD !) and, for heaven's sake, he's the epitome of the lover ! The perfect match for Phoebe, the girl whose whole life is about love. **Edit: I 've just re-watched "All Halliwell's Eve", in which someone tells Phoebe that the name of her true love will begin with a "C" --which at the time clearly meant Cole. How truly brilliant to have remembered it when they created Coop though!**

But Phoebe's and even Paige's plots (which ends in a very cute, although a bit long, scene) are not our main concern. There is indeed a veil to be lifted, but this veil concerns the real villains of this season. It appears that the Triad (Cole's employers from years ago) are back with a vengeance. Literally. And oddly enough the sisters learn of it from a demon. This is confusing, but the confusion is only beginning ; the Triad may be impressive, but they're not the Ultimate Power. Christy and Billy are, which is probably the worst thing that could have happened to the sisters. What makes this all the more shocking is that up to this point, Christy has been victimised and made very sympathetic. So this episode is all about setting things up, the good ones and the bad ones, and it does so without breaking pace.
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