Dirty Work (1998)
I should be ashamed of myself, but this film actually made me laugh
15 July 2008
Norm MacDonald and Artie Lange play two friends who aren't particularly bright and have a long history of screwing up their lives and losing jobs. Then they get the bright idea of opening up their own business--one that will get revenge for a price. The acts of revenge are among the funniest things about the film. I especially loved how he got revenge on the loud neighbors and the sleazy car salesman.

There were some serious negatives in the film such as quite a few flat jokes here, the unfunny bit where MacDonald makes notes to himself on a tape recorder (it was overdone on SNL--it was even worse here) and there was the ending--it seemed to end way too quickly and the resolution wasn't particularly satisfying compared to the earlier parts of the film.

However, this film has the phrase "guilty pleasure" written all over it. While the film has many flat moments, crude jokes and horrible messages, it did make me laugh and laugh--and that's the most important positive about the film. I know I should be ashamed of myself, but you can't ignore a film that puts a smile on your face like this stupid movie did. In addition, I hate to admit that I also laughed at MacDonald's other critically scathed film SCREWED. I feel so dirty--these are NOT deep or sophisticated films and they abound with juvenile humor--but they make me laugh.

By the way, keep note of all the unusual supporting actors that appeared in this film such as Chevy Chase, Don Rickles, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley and Jack Warden (among others). Obviously, there were a lot of folks out there that liked MacDonald and wanted to help him with this film.
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