Hero Wanted (2008)
1st rate!...9 stars...leaving room for perfection, but great film-making nonetheless!
21 June 2008
Enthralling from start to finish...Excellent performance by Cuba Gooding Jr. as the hapless Liam Case...Unlike soo any of today's films, you actually get a chance to learn about the characters in the story and this one takes you into every one's psyche...with the exception of Ray Liotta's character: Detective Terry Subcott, who you only get the chance to learn he's a detective and that's about it... The road to hell is paved with good intentions...'Well ain't that the truth!?'...even if this (film) is taking that tagline to the extreme...He seemed a little too trusting (a couple of times), especially after all the guy had been through... Obviously born from a good script and followed through with good, solid directing, acting, editing, art direction, etc, etc..nobody fell down on this production anywhere, making it well worth the time and money...Probably the best 'one-liner' description I can offer is: 'edgy and enjoyable from start to finish'...It's got a good 'look' to it as well...one that matches the subject and helps in bringing it all together in a nice coherent finished project... The only other problem I have with this movie(really) is with the same one I see in a lot of movies..The portrayal of the 'uniformed' cops...They are represented as complete idiots (granted there are some, but that's in every profession & can you imagine the majority of people they deal with day in & day out?)...From their 1st entry until getting blown to smithereens by automatic rifle...driving right into it, getting out of the car, then standing there as if trying to get shot!...I mean com'on!, these guys do this professionally, 5+ days a week - 8+ hours a day...It's their job! I'm pretty sure they pick up a few things along the way...(like being somewhat cautious and prepared for criminals with automatic weapons!?!)...I mean, when was the last time a traffic cop stopped a car without being prepared to pull his pistol?, much less pull right into a multi-gun battle without any knowledge of what's going on and see eager to get shot like paper targets!...It just doesn't happen, yet they are continually portrayed as 'complete idiots that can't get their guns out of the holsters' and seem to 'attract bullets like magnets'...It's just always stupid-looking and unrealistic...

Lastly, since the story was taken to the end...I would have liked to know how much time one has to ponder, being a hero...that would have been a nice finishing touch, if even given by a V.O or some screen-notes; just 'something' about what the deal was (how long in the suit & chair, etc)...but I'm just being picky now, as I can imagine whatever I want I guess...

Regardless, this is a 1st rate film that anyone who likes crime dramas can't miss...Id go so far as to say "It's the best one I've seen in years".
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