Suits Target Audience Very Well!!
20 April 2008
I must admit having seen the overall rating for this movie & after reading 1 of the user comments I was expecting a horrible movie! I am very glad to say that Beyblade FB was exactly the opposite! It was Great. I haven't seen the series or the other movie yet so this was completely new for us. I have a 7 year old son who, of course, loves Pokemon, Bakugan etc... So naturally BB FB appealed to him! We sat down together and we Both enjoyed this movie very much. The animation, plot and voice acting were all equal to or above what I have come to expect from an animated family movie based on those we have seen in the past! Beyblade is an excellent movie that Most kids in the 6-12 year old range (And above) who enjoy animated action series should check out!

I would like to add one parting request. Fellow movie raters Please keep in mind that our reviews impact other viewers and their decisions! The negative review I read seemed to lose perspective of the target audience and gave BB FB an Unfavorably low rating. This movie has no foul language, no excessive violence Nothing a parent would worry about their child viewing! That is another reason I give this movie so much credit. I am personally grateful for the producers that give our youth an acceptable experience that they can really get into!
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