Krøniken (2004–2007)
Nauseatingly Political
29 March 2008
Why, why why?

The concept is great, the acting decent. Even the cinematography works. But the scriptwriting is so sickening that it the whole series deteriorates into a painful farce of both glorifying and gratifying tributes to the great achievements of the Danish Social Democrats and an almost obsessive description of the moral decadence, corruption and demise of the "upper" classes.

Had this production come out of North Korea, the DDR or even the Soviet Union, I could have lived with it. Had it been a 90 minute film, I could have forgiven the producers, but this is 22 torturous episodes of badly scripted, incredible and immature propaganda that is unlikely to have exceeded even Stalin's or Goebbels' quality bars.

My advice is fairly clear: Unless you are either very bored or very brainwashed, don't bother with it. Re-arranging your sock draw is more thrilling!

Danish Television and cinema can do and has done far better than this. Why did they ever produce Kroniken with such a cheesy message?
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