Review of 27 Dresses

27 Dresses (2008)
Misses some of the strength it could have
20 March 2008
A girl is the bridesmaid everyone dreams of. Punctual, helping in any way she can, refuses to say no no matter how impossible the task at hand, etcetera. The same girl is also single, unable to bind to anyone as she keeps putting her self aside to be able to aid others. But a change of things is in the wind.

27 dresses starts by quickly explaining its main characters by cycling through some scenery that works well for such purpose. Since none of the characters are very difficult (if at all) it doesn't take long and actually takes just long enough. It then continues with the rest of the story and that is where things go wrong. It's a very typical tale and been seen far too often in films already. And although this can still work out in some occasions it can only do so when it brings it with a certain flair and strong dialog. And that's where this one fails - it brings a standard story with a next to standard grace and that just isn't good enough any more.

It does show potential in some parts of the film and I am sure that if it had held on to the pace and dialog in those parts that it would have become one of the best films of the year so far, but now, it's a thirteen in a dozen that is best watched on DVD during the more boring parts of the day.

5 out of 10 wedding dresses smudged with bleakness
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