Day of the Dead (2008 Video)
Those expecting a remake of the original will be greatly me
25 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS AHEAD**** Why was this named Day of the Dead other than to cash in on the history of the original? It has no resemblance (other than character names) to the original and comes across as a 28 Days Later ripoff rather than a Day of the Dead remake/homage.....Let me break it down.

In the original Day of the Dead, the zombie epidemic was in full force, in this "remake", the "zombie" epidemic/virus outbreak is just starting. (?).....In the original, the characters spent the majority of the movie in an army bunker, in this they spend 5 minutes at the end of the movie in some sort of lab in the woods. (?) In the original, the zombies are slow (from decay, etc.), in this, they are superfast and can run on the ceiling (but can't jump up to a ventilation vent cover?).........In the original, the zombies are killed by a shot to the head, in this they can be killed by heating them up like popcorn until they explode. Maybe the "rage virus" does this to you.

The characters had no resemblance whatsoever to their original counterparts.....since everyhting else had changed, why even use the original names. The character of Bud was totally misused and quite frankly stupid in this movie (vegeterian zombie wont eat meat or the women he loves, yet a mom zombie tries to eat her children) consistency whatsoever.

I guess since Rhodes was a racist in the original, they had to make him a black man to be politically correct in this one.......dumb, dumb, dumb.

Acting was sub par (Nick Cannon acting like a bad ass is a joke, looked like Urkel with a gun) and the effects were Sci Fi channel at best (high budget sci fi channel movie)......

On its own, and by a different name, this would have been in the top 30% of the slew of direct to video zombie flix hitting the market, but as a DOD remake, it does not even come close to filling those doesn't even try them on.
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