Very strange and weird but very funny
12 February 2008
This movie was funny. It's about this guy named Lashitsky (yes, that's his name) who keeps going to jail due to some judge that has it in for him. Eventually, the judge dies so Lashitsky goes after the son and well...the plot takes us to jail. While in the jail a lot of funny stuff happens. The white racist leader gets mad at Lashitsky for no reason and stabs him in the leg with a fork and then continues to eat. Also, there are a lot of funny lines where the main black dude tries to seduce him with toilet wine. Yes, toilet wine.

Will Arnett is a very funny guy! His wife is Amy Poehler from SNL. He obviously gets a lot of coaching from her. I just wish she would have been in it. The best scene was where Wil Arnett was trying to look mean! The guy from ANCHORMAN who was the sportscaster kept saying it looked like he was trying to go #2. That was so funny!
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