Smash Lab (2007– )
For a Science show, this sure doesn't have much chemistry
23 January 2008
Smash Lab is probably one of the greatest disappointments of the new year, almost to the point of inspiring mass Discovery fan suicides. And who could blame them? First off, this show is nothing more than a Myth Busters knock off with Myth Buster wannabe characters. Deanne must be Discovery's answer to Kari, and their shameless attempt to draw viewers to this show because of this is borderline shameful. Maybe they should have put such efforts into making a decent show, instead of appealing to 50 year old slobbering men.

The premise is also insanely weak. Scientists and Engineers supposedly build to make the world better, when their experiments are weak and neutered. MythBusters is interesting mostly because it has some meaning to keep you watching. Smash Lab, on the other hand, just seems like a waste of time and life since the hosts aren't actually helping anyone. Discovery, by trying to cater to the MythBusters crowd (and by possibly thinking that the MythBusters crowd are retarded) has forgotten the number one rule that made their other shows popular: Dumbing down = Crap show.

This show wouldn't be so bad, other than the fact that it is unbelievably boring. For a show named "Smash Lab," the hosts seem to just walk around the whole time, wasting moments of our precious lives. The hosts literally look like surfer dudes that you would find on a California beach, who of course morph between scientists, builders, physicists, and anything else that the teleprompter tells them to be. Never have I seen such poor Chemistry between cast members either. I would be willing to bet that as soon as the cameras turn off, they start beating the crap out of each other or cutting each other off in the parking lot while making obscene gestures. Why don't they just make a show about that? It would be a heck of a lot more interesting than this drivel.
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