Clampett's Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid is very funny
8 January 2008
This is a Bob Clameptt Bugs Bunny cartoon that gives us the Bugs look as we now know him as done by animator Robert McKimson. Pretty cute, huh? Anyway, a buzzard with a voice that sounds like Mortimer Snerd is trying to capture him for his mama. As always, Bugs outsmarts him at every turn but there is one gag in which Bugs thinks he's dying (though even here he cracks, "Grusome, isn't it?"). There's also a wonderfully choreographed big-band dance that is one of the most entertaining animation I've ever seen in these Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies cartoons. Plenty of hilarious Clampett touches abound like the trombone sound Bugs makes when he fingers the buzzard's Adam's apple or the "bee-op" sound you hear in many of these cartoons. That was made by Bob himself. Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid is highly recommended.
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