Sue me I liked it
23 December 2007
A really good (no seriously its good) story about a rapper who wants to join a country club but its snotty board (headed by Jeffrey Jones (Ferris Beuller's nemesis) refuse to let him in. Buying a property close to the 17th hole he leverages it into membership and well what happens is the movie. Neither cartoony nor really over the top (okay just a bit) this is a movie where everyone (mostly)behaves like real people. Actually one of the key points is that the hero is a better person then the jerks running the country club. Clearly made by film makers who didn't work for "the man" who would have the rappers as gangsters or clowns, this is a nice comedy that makes one wonder who was in the board room the day this was green lit since its so atypical Hollywood on almost every level. recommended on cable if not as a rental.
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