I Am Legend (2007)
A New Genre
15 December 2007
After seeing SOOO much hype for this movie, I decided it would OBVIOUSLY be worth my time going and seeing. I mean...I've heard good things about it, it seems like Will Smith's character Detective Spooner is coming back for a remake, and it just looks cool.

Oh man, let me tell you, did I EVER underestimate this film's potential.

First of all, this movie has one of the biggest budgets of this year's films (oh, and btw, Pirates 3 came out this year as well), and they spent that money AMAZINGLY. From the style of the creatures to the plants on the ground to the "plot devices" themselves, if you understand my drift(no spoilers today, kids!).

Secondly, this is easily Will Smith's greatest performance. Not counting Bad Boys II (joke, people). Let me tell you 2 movies that contribute to his character, Neville: Pursuit of Happiness, and I, ROBOT. seriously, he's that good.

and lastly, and most importantly, this movie created a new genre all-together. This movie was not only drama, horror, investigative, action, and "romantic" (through it's plot character's and their fates...tears!!!), but it also did it in an all-inclusive manner. It was a roller coaster of emotions...and I loved it Overall, a 9 from me. Trust me, and believe your friends...this movie is worth seeing.

-peace easy-
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