Bundle of Joy (1956)
A Bundle of Possibilities
14 December 2007
You've got to take this movie for what it is. A musical. What was interesting to me was seeing Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher together in the height of their relationship. It's a bit dated, but still has catchy tunes (I especially liked Fisher's "Someday Soon"...but I'm a bachelor so maybe I'm prejudiced).

How ironic, though, to see these two who had so many possibilities playing a couple in love when they were in love themselves. Yes, there's chemistry, but they should show this movie to potential drug addicts and drunks to warn them about what Eddie Fisher could have been and what his self-admitted dependencies made him become.

There was so much the two of them had and could have had, Eddie and Debbie,and so much they lost because of his weakness of character. Sad.

A bittersweet story, not in the plot, but in the shadow of reality cast over it by their true life stories. Still worth seeing and hearing, though.
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