A seldom stated point of view
23 November 2007
Although this film has relatively low production values by today's standard, Micheaux did the best he could with what he had to work with - few filmmakers today would are express the historic views of the mulatto elite or the middle/upper class people of color - Oprah Winfrey presents The Wedding is about the closest in recent memory -but the lead character didn't try to "pass" as they say.

The idea of the biracial/multiethnic individual not feeling that he/she fits in anywhere and the adoptee who never believes he/she is loved is also a ripe one for discussion and touched upon here, since there are two problems at play here - feeling rootless and feeling resentful of being thrust into a socially inferior position.

Many believe these views are outdated, but some people still hold them, and it's good to examine them. Another user commented on Naomi's desire to be something that she's not, yet the American dream is to be able to rise above your circumstances and be what you want to be. There should always be freedom of choice and freedom of association, it's just too bad that this film doesn't give the lead character a happy ending, but that was to be expected I suppose.
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