Ira & Abby (2006)
Greg and Dharma meets Annie Hall
14 November 2007

While not up to "Jessica Stein" (which remains one of the best NY romantic comedies ever) this is a smart, witty, and winsome romance.

With a wonderful supporting cast and real thought in the filming this is definitely worth the viewing. Complaining that romantic movies are unrealistic is like complaining about the body count in action movies - either it's your cup of tea or it's not - this most definitely is our cup of tea.

Abby and Ira are two unlikely soul mates - she dippy and soulful, he neurotic and unsure; after one day they decide to marry....

Of course you know they'll have problems, and yes, the families, the therapists et al are there; but what separates this out from the herd is two things: firstly, it has modern taste, the filming and shape and arc of the film are much better than most, and secondly, a host of great performances that neatly skewer the comedy.

We enjoyed it, it is not hugely memorable, but it is enjoyable, and on that alone is recommended.
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