Blood Car (2007)
Surprisingly funny and effective
23 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It was the title that caught my attention at first, but after watching this horror-comedy-parody hybrid I'm pleased to say that it's a good movie as well.

Set some time in the future where gas prices have reached extreme levels, a well mannered school teacher called Archie is trying to discover an alternate fuel source. Not quite there, an accident causes him to discover the solution. Blood. And not just any type of blood, which he hilariously discovers, but human blood. This newfound addiction to driving around causes the well mannered teacher to obtain another addiction...murder, all while being chased by mysterious Men in Blacks and stuck between two ladies.

I went in with no expectations, and came out surprised, entertained, slightly shocked and impressed. The story is surprisingly entertaining all around, and despite it's low budget it's a well made movie that both doesn't take it self seriously, yet manages to stab you in the back in the end by throwing morality down the drain with a pretty shocking ending.

Give this movie a chance. Set your expectations down a few notch, realize this is low budget and you'll find a movie that is worth the time.
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