Once again John McClane vs Brave New World
8 October 2007
Who says an old fashion guy can't survive technology? From microwave to Nakatomi building, from fax machine to polymerframed pistols, McClane always finds his way to get over it, only this time it is much more large in scale than he could ever imagine: computer network, things that made out of chips and cable. And of course the bad guys. In Die Hard series the world always appears to be black and white.

This is the 4th Die Hard for nearly 2 decades, and fortunately it is a promising one. Absolutely entertaining with loads of explosion, stunt works and funny lines. It starts with hack of computers, which leads to a money scheme behind it. In between cities are totally cripple, and McClane's daughter is taken hostage, making the situation personal to our all-time hero. The story is not complicated to follow, so you could focus on the action and, needless to say, Bruce Willis himself, who portrays the legendary John McClane, a NYPD cop in 30 years of duty.

The downside, if I have to point it out, is Timothy Olyphant, who plays the master mind behind the crimes, may look too young and naive to orchestrate the whole things. It would take more than money to drive his crews to carry out his insane plan. He is just not that evil guy. That makes him less convincing and therefore the weakest link of the movie. And I do wish Mary Elizabeth Winstead, who plays Lucy McClane, would have had a little more character development than merely a bargain chip. Despite of these, you will not be disappointed with this movie. Die Hard 4 is a must see this year.
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