Hot Fuzz (2007)
22 July 2007
From the creators of Shaun of the Dead, this homage to the police-action genre (from the TV shows like Miami Vice to the Lethal Weapon movie series of the nineties to the Bad Boys of the more recent years) makes the director Edgar Wright and co-writer/star Simon Pegg household names after proving themselves to be a force to be reckoned with in the blooming field of intelligent British comedy. Maybe this generation has finally found its Monty Python team.

Hot Fuzz describes how Nicholas Angel, a young and brilliant cop with an arrest record of 400% higher than any other officer in the force, is forced by his London superiors and peers to be assigned in a remote, peaceful and pleasant small English town because he is a major threat to everyone's promotions.

Upon a few hours after his arrival, he has already arrested a few blokes from a bar, and is practically known by everyone in less than 24 hours. The reactions from his fellow officers are quite mixed--Danny Butterman, the son of the chief, looks up to Sergeant Angel as an ultimate embodiment of an action hero in the movies that he has seen; while a few of the officers seem also threatened and skeptical about the excellence of their new member.

As Sergeant Angel gets familiar with the rest of the town, he discovers that some individuals he meets tend to die a few hours after he meets them. The locals tell him that all of the deaths were mere accidental, but Angel believes that there's a conspiracy behind these brutal killings. This leads him to distrust certain people, until he comes face-to-face the real nature of the people behind him--the entire village ganging up on him and feeling threatened by Angel's real heroic, action-packed demeanor. But for Sergeant Nicholas Angel, no one should be above the law. In a memorable segment, he rides on a horse, ala Lito Lapid, with ridiculous amount of guns and ammunitions, and he shows 'em all what he's got.

It's more engaging and hilarious than Shaun of the Dead, and the twist of the movie is just right on the spot.

Witty, hilarious script. Solid acting. British humour. Fast-paced action. Damn. I hope there's a sequel.
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