Auf Wiedersehen, Pet (1983–2004)
Ultimate feelgood drama
4 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
All three series of Auf Wiedersehen Pet were very much "state of the nation" stuff. The first series showed a country crippled by a socialist government, the second series the changes Thatcherism brought and the third one now shows a world changed completely by the post 1989 events. The lads have all fallen on hard luck: Dennis is reduced to chaufeuring a drug dealer around, Neville's marriage is on the rocks and his business is failing, Wayne is dead, Bomber is terminally ill, Moxy wanted by the police (nothing new there) and Barry is married to a two timing Russian gold digger. To regain their self respect (and some money) they embark on a business venture orchestrated by a shady ex-politician ( a thinly disguised Jeffrey Archer). But Auf Wiedersehen is not just about the "state of the nation" but also about men, friendship and loyalty. So although they don't actually make any money they get back together and find themselves. As usual some of it is very funny, most of it very witty but it also shows the modern world in all its uglyness. For example Neville tells an embittered Dennis: This used to be coal mining country. Now half the men have donned a hair net and package airline meals. This story of friendship and camadery of these different characters leaves you feeling good. I don't think that there has ever been anything on TV that shows the nature of man (as opposed to woman) better and with more understanding.
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