Japan meets Wong Kar-Wai
19 April 2007
Matinée and Soiree are two twin sisters that were separated when they were young. Nowadays, one is a hit-man in Tailand and the other one, who decided time ago to stop speaking and let people think that she is dumb, runs a flowers shop in Japan. Though they try desperately to find each other, they seem to be destined to be alone...

This movie has been described as the Japanese answer to Wong Kar-Wai, and in some way, it could be. Especially if we are talking about the Wong Kar-Wai of "Falling Angels" and "Chungking Express". The movie is divided in two parts, each one tells the story of each sister and some moments are filmed with a style and rhythm that reminds of the before mentioned Wong Kar-Wai. Also has a good soundtrack. The only bad point is that the film only last 70 minutes and would have been fine to see more of this interesting film (more, taking into account that there is no news of more films by this director).
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