Sid and Nancy meets...nothing really.
13 April 2007
Two people lying in agony with a zombie virus in their veins waiting to be transformed is truly a great synopsis for a movie, but this movie did not take advantage of that. One can spend numerous hours discussing so many cool angles with a story like that, but the only thing this movie delivers is boredom and lack of initiative. Sad, very sad.

Make them like addicts. Let us hear their thoughts, as they loose their ability to think as humans. Show us how their rationality forms into a reptile mind act, and please, show us the killings, not just sublime cuts. They're zombies, that's what they do. It would have brought a deeper insight for the viewer. Now it's just a two side empty bed with repeated dialog...and we have seen this before...but Sid and Nancy had Gary Oldman, and this, well, sadly has...nothing really.

//BoyNoir Deux; Founder of Elmsta 3000 Horror
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