Mary Jordon's homage is a hypnotic portrait of one of our greatest artists.
11 April 2007
What is the negotiable space between art and commerce? according to Jack Smith there is none. Mary Jordon expertly applies Jack's own free form techniques to a collage portrait of the man his work and it's impact on a popular culture. The film seamlessly flows from blistering indictments of Jack's covetous enemies such as Jonas Menkas and Andy Warhol to moving sentiments from collaborators such as tony Conrad and the reclusive Mario Montez. Jack's own sister provides one of the films more heart wrenching moments in a compassionate declaration she makes towards the films end.

Mary Jordan as a filmmaker embodies the spirit of Jack Smith himself as she bucks typical documentary structure and embraces a more surging and organic approach to story telling. One comes away enlightened, inspired, educated, and moved. More than you'll find at your local multi plexus for sure. the film is currently touring the US and Europe, can be seen at Film Forum in NYC right now and must not be missed by true seekers of truth and purpose in art and life.

Jack Smith may look pale- but thats simply because he's been in the safe too long...
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