Review of Ankahee

Ankahee (2006)
27 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was quite surprised by how much I really enjoyed this movie. Don't get me wrong, there were some cringe-worthy moments (Dr Shekar crying in his car towards the end of the movie) but overall a very enjoyable movie. I sat till the end without forwarding some bits. Esha was awesome, I thought. Knowing a manic depressive person, I was really impressed by the way she portrayed her character's unreasonable outbursts and insecurities, and then to switch from a screaming banshee to a teary eyed helpless female in the blink of an eye, was so real it was scary. Aftab tried, and as someone said earlier, he was better in this than in some of his movies, although not great. somehow he failed to convince me of his GREAT love for Esha or why he fell for her so hard. Instead he got off as a snivelling spineless man who didn't even seem like he was sure of his love for her. It seemed to me that he felt more pity for her than any great passion. If anything, he deserved everything he got in the end. Amisha Patel was also surprisingly watchable as opposed to her other movies. For once we were all spared her shrill, now-I'm-angry, voice (except for one scene). She played the wronged, yet dignified about it, wife very well and was really the only character (and the child) whom I felt sorry for. And I was quite glad when she closed the door in his face when he went crawling back. All in all a very watchable and enjoyable movie, that I could, and did buy and watched twice over
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