Review of Blood Car

Blood Car (2007)
Horror, humor, schlock, and sex in a truck in a junkyard. How can you go wrong?
3 March 2007
Schlock at its modern best. What made those 70s horror films great were their serious intent delivered with such camp. That is what works for "Blood Car." This indie film, directed by Alex Orr and starring Anna "My Girl" Chlumsky and Mike Brune is a fun romp into the camp of yesteryear, serving up generous portions of horror, humor, and political satire of our current affairs. Does it all work together? You bet! "Blood Car" bested my expectations with its over-the-top acting, a silly yet disturbingly plausible story (plausible in the most twisted of minds), and some brilliant editing work considering its indie film budget.

The film is set in the near future where gas costs hundreds of dollars to fill a tank. Only the most elite can afford to drive a car, making the cheapest of cars appear luxury if only for the fact that they can be powered down a road. The story concerns an elementary school teacher who seeks a method of clean-burning fuel to use in place of gasoline. As our teacher Archie loves his wheat grass, he tries to use it as an alternate fuel. During the experiment, he cuts himself, spilling blood into the mixture that makes an engine run. It's only later that he realizes its the blood and not the wheat grass creating the combustion. When he finds that the source runs out quickly, he abandons his life-loving peaceful ways and goes onto a killing spree to keep his car running. Plenty of humor runs between all the pseudo-violence as our poor anti-hero just wants to make good for the world, while spilling human blood. It was a joy to watch on the big screen and brought back memories of my drive-in days. (Yes, I'm old enough to remember drive-ins. They were outdoor theaters which you drove your car into, and... never mind.) Definitely a must-see destined for the cult-classic home DVD libraries.
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